It works very simply. In any given strategy, there will be a tab entitled "Shield." By pressing it, you're presented with this prompt. It'll let you know the basic functionality, and once you know, you can get into activating your own customized shields. These act as kill switches for your strategy that override any and all code or blocks you've written. By giving a simple prompt for its activation, you create a floor or ceiling to the amount of risk you are willing to absorb in any given strategy.
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Setup is easy
Say you create a strategy that can respond well to the movements of tech companies in the S&P, and you want to capitalize on those as best as possible. But on sudden, unforeseeable down days, you might lose 10% or more of your portfolio based on those same rules that let you buy before the rise. That's bad news, and nobody wants to eat that cost if they can help it. Shields make a big choice for your strategy, overriding what your automation might not catch and protecting your gains.
Shield Templates

Quick Setup guide